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The 40-40-20 rule

What is the 40-40-20 rule?

When implemented successfully, it can play an essential role in boosting customer engagement and sales, making it a worthwhile player in your marketing mix. As the end effects of this strategy become more apparent, we are constantly looking for ways to maximize your results even more. In today’s post, we are going to introduce you to the 40-40-20 rule for the success of your marketing campaign.

What is the 40-40-20 rule?

The 40-40-20 rule for marketing campaign success states that the success of your campaign depends on three factors: your audience, your offer, and your creative execution.

Here’s how to arrange:

40% depends on your audience

40% depends on your offer.

20% depends on creative execution.

Keep reading to find out how these elements can affect your ad campaign

40% Your audience:

Advertising to the wrong audience is a waste of precious marketing dollars, which is why the success of your marketing campaign depends 40% on reaching the right audience. The more accurately you can define your target audience, the more effective your marketing campaign will be. Bypass basic demographics. Explore factors such as gender, age, location, hobbies, interests, and home ownership status to connect more deeply with what matters to your audience for better response rates.

Another way to better understand your audience is to explore their buying habits. For example, targeting those who have purchased similar products and how they purchased them. It also helps record your customers’ purchase history to help you customize messages according to their preferences and behaviors.

40% Your offer:

Display campaign refers to the incentives you offer in exchange for a response. This aspect makes up 40% of the success of your campaign. When thinking about your offer, keep in mind what might compel your audience to act. To make your campaign offer irresistible, try the following tips:

1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) – Helping your audience feel that they are missing out without your product or service can make it more persuasive for them to respond.

2. Urgency – Including a limited-time offer, trial deadline, or scarcity deadline creates a sense of urgency, which helps make your offer more desirable.

3. Risk Free – Most people are risk averse, so consider removing the risk of responding to your offer by providing a money-back guarantee or similar incentive.

20% creative implementation:

Finally, 20% of the success of your marketing campaign depends on everything else, including the written copy, design, and format. Copywriting should connect with your target audience by identifying your pain points, frustrations, and hopes. The design should be eye-catching without being too busy, it might also be about effectively designing and printing a brochure to ensure that your creativity is up to par. With the 40-40-20 rule you can begin to improve your marketing strategy for more leads and sales. For an even bigger boost, pair the 40-40-20 rule with IQ Mail, a smart marketing-based direct mail solution that can increase campaign results by 23-46%. This advanced technology helps you track campaign effectiveness, calculate ROI, and increase campaign exposure and response.